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A tablet, or tablet PC, is a portable computer that uses a touchscreen as its primary input device. Most tablets are slightly smaller and weigh less than the average laptop. Tablets without physical keyboards allow you to enter text using a pop-up keyboard that appears on the screen

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A tablet, or tablet PC, is a portable computer that uses a touchscreen as its primary input device. Most tablets are slightly smaller and weigh less than the average laptop. Tablets without physical keyboards allow you to enter text using a pop-up keyboard that appears on the screen


A tablet, or tablet PC, is a portable computer that uses a touchscreen as its primary input device. Most tablets are slightly smaller and weigh less than the average laptop. Tablets without physical keyboards allow you to enter text using a pop-up keyboard that appears on the screen

A tablet, or tablet PC, is a portable computer that uses a touchscreen as its primary input device. Most tablets are slightly smaller and weigh less than the average laptop. Tablets without physical keyboards allow you to enter text using a pop-up keyboard that appears on the screen

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